Leadership Styles in the Maintenance Industry of UAE


The globalization of markets has led to reduced costs and additional options for consumers, but global competition puts constant pressure on producers, forcing them to lower prices and eliminate inefficient processes. In recent decades, the search for competitive advantages has led to significant investments in the maintenance industry in the UAE. The launch and implementation of a project largely depend on an effective leadership style within the maintenance industry. Leaders in the maintenance industry today are faced with a loss of critical knowledge because of the retirement of employees, the need to constantly reduce capital costs, as well as the legislative limitation of workers' health risks and the environment while maintaining the company's reputation at a decent level. Therefore, the relevance of the research article rewriting service is due to the need to study the evaluation criteria of an effective leadership style. In the UAE, the problem of leadership in the last decade has become the object of quite close attention, because stopping the denial of the role of the individual and understanding the phenomenon of leadership in the context of modern history is of great importance for modern business. At the same time, within the framework of scientific research, there is no full-fledged work on studying the essence of leadership in the maintenance industry in the UAE. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the modern concept of leadership style in the maintenance industry. In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are solved in the work: to identify the main trends and directions in the study of the problem of leadership; to systematize the most well-known interpretations of the phenomenon of leadership in the modern maintenance industry; present an understanding of these concepts in terms of their relevance to the UAE; determine the specifics and mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of leadership style in the maintenance industry in the UAE. The relevant leadership style in the maintenance industry of UAE is situational leadership, where a leader is a person who has a certain set of qualities necessary for each company at a certain moment of its development.

Literature Review

There are different kinds of situations in organizations that require a certain type of leadership. The situational approach still holds the leading position when considering the problem of leadership in the organization. At present, the concept of leadership is developing in the direction of the idea that the optimal leaders are those who give up their role by teaching subordinates how to be leaders for themselves (Mathias, 2017). Another important point reflected in modern concepts of leadership is that a modern leader does not focus only on the goals of the organization, he is interested in the achievement of goals by each employee. For instance, Shurrab and Hussain proceeded from the assumption that leadership style is very difficult to change, and therefore advocated designing a situation in which a leader with an established style would be “placed”. Naeem believes that leadership is always a certain social relation. It should include at least four variables: the characteristics of the leader, positions, needs, and other characteristics of his followers, the characteristics of the organization: its purpose, structure, nature of the tasks to be carried out, social, economic, and political environment. Thus, today the obvious fact is that there is no unified approach to understanding what primarily makes a person a leader in the maintenance industry. Therefore, within the framework of the competence approach, each organization in accordance with the context of its business, its specific situation, and the need for a certain type of leader, creates its own model of competence for a leader. The competency model is a concept introduced by Almarri, who studied the difference between outstanding leaders in the organization and ordinary leaders, and because of applying a clearly structured interview methodology developed the list of personal characteristics of outstanding leaders. Thus, in theories, there is no single standard image of the leader of the modern maintenance industry.

Data and Methodology

This study examines the attempts of scientists to bring orderliness into the existing diversity of approaches and concepts of leadership in the maintenance industry created in modern social studies and presents explanations for the reasons for the presence of so many leadership theories. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the understanding of formal leadership is taken as a basis, and informal leadership goes beyond the scope of scientific interest. Consequently, the work of scientists on the issue of leadership in the maintenance industry became the theoretical basis of the study. The methodology and methods of integrated social-philosophical research of leadership in the system of social partnership determined the diversity of the topic. The subject area of the study is located at the crossroads of various philosophical and humanitarian disciplines: social philosophy, ethics, sociology, political science, economics, psychology, law, and management theory. Therefore, the study used an interdisciplinary approach to the integration of scientific knowledge. Used typological and structural-functional approaches to the study of leadership in the maintenance industry. In addition, the study used the method of contextual analysis, that is, approaches to the style of leadership are investigated in the context of the maintenance industry in the UAE.


At the core of the study was applied to the concept of formal leadership in the maintenance industry. The leader in the maintenance industry is a person who is capable of large-scale thinking, anticipating favorable opportunities, forming a common vision of the organization for his subordinates, developing people, and giving them broad powers; he is positive about the diversity of labor resources, knows how to organize effective work of the team and recognizes the need for change. In addition, the leader in the maintenance industry should have an excellent understanding of the technological process of the enterprise he leads, encourage people to perform complex design tasks, ensure maximum satisfaction of customer needs, be able to achieve competitive advantage, master the management technique, be able to distribute managerial powers and live according to core values adopted in his organization (Shurrab & Hussain, 2018). This definition is formulated by the American consulting company Andersen Consulting based on studies conducted in the 1990s. It should be concluded that this definition adequately reflects the main features of the modern formal leader in the industry, while the social orientation imposed on modern leaders in the UAE shall also be included.

During the study, an attempt was made to reflect on the accumulated knowledge of leadership in the maintenance industry and to derive the historical implication of the development of the phenomenon of leadership. The analysis of theories and concepts presented in literary sources showed that, earlier, researchers considered leadership mainly only from the point of view of individual sciences (either management theory, psychology, sociology, or pedagogy). Nowadays, there has been a pronounced tendency to create leadership theories on an interdisciplinary basis. The reason for this is the trend of globalization. Only those who are prepared to adapt quickly to new cultural realities can become leaders in the maintenance industry today. The study of leadership in the conditions when economic borders between states disappear, and when companies become multinational, also requires a new interdisciplinary approach. Thus, leadership in the modern maintenance industry in the context of new socio-cultural, political, and economic realities requires a more complex integral approach from researchers. Considering the phenomenon of leadership from the point of view of individual sciences no longer provides a holistic view, but reflects only one of many aspects.

The study also found that in the modern UAE, the understanding of business leadership as a purely positive phenomenon dominates. This happened because of highlighting the main criterion of the difference between the phenomenon of "leadership" and the phenomenon of "possession of power" or "authority". In the modern sense, there is a clear distinction between leadership and power, which consists in the fact that leadership is an activity that unites the leader and the followers to implement important morally justified changes. Therefore, the created concepts of leadership styles are important, first, in the preparation of leaders, they are designed as a guideline to form a new understanding. They carry information about how leaders should be - they have a strong element of responsibility: leaders should make ethically sound elections, and they should be guided by the desire to benefit the entire regional community and the state. That is why the situational leadership style dominates in the maintenance industry in the UAE. The leader in the maintenance industry should not only manage and motivate subordinates but also be in the trend of the current situation in the company. Thus, the situational leadership style reflects the positivity of the leadership phenomenon for the UAE.

In the context of assessing the effectiveness of the situational leadership style in the maintenance industry noted, the criterion is: the degree of authority of the manager; the degree of influence on the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the organization; manifestation of initiative, development of creativity and enterprise staff; creating a favorable social and psychological climate in the team. As part of the maintenance industry, leadership effectiveness is the ratio of the organization’s performance to the management costs or the total costs of the organization (that is, the cost of achieving the results of the activities). Results in the maintenance industry are measured by various production and economic indicators that are affected by technical, economic, and organizational decisions. In addition, you need to consider the complex set of vital signs of the team, which is influenced by the leader. These indicators are expressed through socio-psychological factors. Thus, the result of the leader's performance in the maintenance industry is production, economic, and socio-psychological indicators.


In the modern maintenance industry, a leader is a person with a set of qualities necessary for a company at a point in its development. To date, the obvious fact is the lack of a unified approach to understanding the concept of leadership style in the maintenance industry. During the research, it was established that the leader must have knowledge of the company's technological processes, as well as stimulate subordinates to perform complex design tasks. Leadership in the maintenance industry is an integrated concept and therefore should be explored in various disciplines. In the modern UAE, leadership in the maintenance industry is understood exclusively as a positive development. For the maintenance industry, the situational leadership style is the most appropriate, as it allows you to respond to the company's current tasks. Evaluation of the effectiveness of situational leadership in the maintenance industry is carried out through production, economic and socio-psychological indicators. The criteria for leadership effectiveness considered in the study are of great practical importance: they must be included in educational programs for current and future maintenance industry leaders. These theories highlight the most important aspects of leadership in modern economic conditions. Nevertheless, the question of leadership in the maintenance industry is at the very beginning of its consideration and is of great interest from the point of view of its versatility. The direction that considers this process on a complex interdisciplinary basis, including a wider range of activities of leaders, treating leadership as an art, has great prospects from the point of view of scientific novelty and the wealth of choice of directions for further research.


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